当前日期:2021年11月28日 星期日 | 成大首页 | 设为首页 | 加入收藏 | English |
成都大学基础医学院 护理学院的前身是具有六十年办学历史的原国家级重点中专成都卫生学校。2006年4月,学校由四川省人民政府批准整建制并入成都大学,更名为成都大学医护学院,2007年招收护理学专业本科学生;2009年7月,学校改革归并调整后,成立新医护学院;2015年11月更名为医学院(护理学院);2018年招收口腔技术专业本科生;2020年6月更名为基础医学院 护理学院。学院现有护理学、口腔医学技术2个本科专业,2021年通过国务院学位委员会审定获批基础医学学术硕士和护理学专业硕士两个硕士点。 学院现有教职工 101 人,其中专任教师83人,高级职称占42.5%,硕博士比例为89%,“双师”型师资占54%。具有博士学位者47人,具有欧美国家海外留学经历者20余人,国内外知名教授、特聘研究员等10余人。现有教育部“新世纪优秀人才”1名、四川省学术和技术带头人1名、四川省“五·一”劳动奖章获得者2名、四川省特聘专家1名、四川省政协委员1名。四川省学术与技术带头人后备人选3人,四川省高等学校教学指导委员会委员2人,2名教师入选四川省卫生健康英才计划。1名博士被评为学校“十佳优秀教师”,4人获得“成都大学青椒计划青年教学名师”称号,1名教授被评为学校“首届教学名师”等荣誉称号。 近年来,学院获得各级教改项目70余项。其中教育部产学合作协同育人项目19项,省级教改项目5项。立项省市级精品课2门,校级MOOCS 2门、翻转课堂8门、“课程思政1212工程” 8 门、一流课程9门。获得校级教学成果奖项8项。教师在各级教学竞赛中获奖10余项,其中国家级教学比赛银奖1项,铜奖2项。 学院依托城市型综合大学的学科专业优势,加强高水平科学研究,促进成果创新转化。现已建立“川藏特色药用植物资源开发利用” 四川省高校工程中心、四川省老年健康科普基地、市级护理学重点学科、成都市“人体科学与医学”科普基地等省市级科研科普平台,“四川省生物药剂学与药代动力学”、“四川省中医药大健康产品创新开发”等科研创新团队。近年来全院教师承担各级科研项目100余项,包括国家自然科学基金资助20余项,教育部及省科技厅项目20余项。发表科研论文600余篇,其中SCI论文200余篇,出版学术著作(含教材)60余部,授权国家专利191项(其中发明专利16项)。获四川省科技进步一等奖2项,三等奖3项;上海市科技进步二等奖1项;中华农业科技奖二、三等奖各1项;四川省第十八次社会科学优秀成果奖1项。 学院秉承“人道关怀,生命第一;人文关怀,科学第一”的院训,在“医学+”发展趋势的引领下,拓展与相关专业的交叉融合,培养医学基础理论坚实、专业技能扎实、具有人文素养的高素质应用型医疗卫生人才。近年学生就业率均在90%以上,高质量就业率50%以上。全国执业护士考试通过率平均达98.67%,10余名学生成功通过国际护士认证考试,毕业生以专业基础扎实、实践能力强、综合素质高等优点获得四川大学华西医院等知名三甲医院的认可。100多名研究生分布北京大学、中山大学、中南大学、南开大学、清迈大学、澳大利亚莫纳什大学、英国爱丁堡大学、悉尼大学等高校。学院校友荣获“南丁格尔奖章”、“中国大学生年度人物”提名、全国脱贫攻坚先进个人称号、四川省五一劳动奖章、四川省“青年五四奖章”等荣誉称号。 近年来,学院加强创新型人才培养,学生科创和志愿服务取得显著成绩。学生主持国家级创新创业计划立项近20项,发表高水平学术论文30余篇,获得专利授权近50项。学生获得中国国际“互联网+”创新创业大赛、“挑战杯”全国大学生系列科技学术竞赛、“全国大学生生命科学竞赛一等奖”等国家级、省级竞赛奖项百余项。“健康教育与促进志愿服务队”获国家级“结核病防治知识传播优秀团队”称号;“情暖夕阳·送医到家—成都大学医疗列车志愿服务项目”获得第五届中国青年志愿服务项目大赛四川省赛银奖,学生志愿服务和社会实践项目多次获得省市级表彰。 学院坚持开放式办学,通过主持参加国际学术前沿研究项目、搭建高水平科学研究交流平台、参与国际留学生培养等方式,提升学院国际化水平。承办“中国解剖学会第十一届护理解剖学学术年会”,与耶鲁大学开展合作研究并获得四川省科技厅国际合作项目,与泰国清迈大学建立“护理专业1+2+1双学位联合培养项目”,数十次邀请中国工程院院士、欧洲科学院院士、耶鲁大学教授,国家杰青等国内外知名专家到学院开展学术交流活动。 展望未来,学院将坚持立德树人的根本任务,顺应“新医科”改革发展趋势,培养高度社会责任感、优良职业素养与人文素养的高素质医学专业人才。 The School of Preclinical Medicine and School of Nursing of Chengdu University traces its roots back to the former Chengdu Health School, a nationally renowned secondary vocational school with a history of sixty years. In April 2006, approved by Sichuan Provincial People’s Government, this institute was fully integrated into Chengdu University and become the School of Medicine and Nursing of Chengdu University. And it began enrolling undergraduate students in the nursing program in 2007. In July 2009, following the university’s reform and restructuring, the new School of Medicine and Nursing was established. In November 2015, the school was renamed the School of Medicine (School of Nursing). In 2018, it started enrolling undergraduate students in the dental technology program. In June 2020, it was renamed the School of Preclinical Medicine and School of Nursing. Currently, our school provides two undergraduate programs in Nursing and Dental Medical Technology. In 2021, approved by the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council, our school started to offer two master’s degree programs of Preclinical Medicine and Nursing. Our school currently has 101 faculty members, including 83 full-time teachers. Among them, 42.5% of them hold senior professional titles, 89% have master’s or doctoral degrees, and 54% are “dual-qualified” faculty members. There are 47 faculty members bearing doctoral degrees, over 20 faculty members having overseas study experience in Europe and America, and more than 10 well-known professors and visiting researchers both domestically and internationally. In our school, 1 member is honored as “Outstanding Talents of the New Century” recognized by the Ministry of Education and 1 member is recognized as Sichuan Provincial Academic Leaders. Besides, we have 2 Sichuan Provincial May 1st Labor Medalist, 1 Sichuan provincial special-appointed expert, and 1 member of the Sichuan Provincial Political Consultative Conference. Additionally, there are 3 Sichuan Provincial Reserve Candidates for Academic and Technical Leaders, 2 members of the Sichuan Province Higher Education Teaching Advisory Board, and 2 teachers selected for the Sichuan Province Health Talent Program. Furthermore, in our school, 1 doctorate teacher is awarded as the “Top Ten Outstanding Teachers” of the university, 4 teachers have received the title of “Chengdu University Green Pepper Plan: Young Teaching Talents”, and 1 professor has been honored as the “Teaching Talents” of the university. In recent years, our school has secured over 70 educational reform projects at various levels. Among these, there are 19 industry-university cooperation projects approved by the Ministry of Education, and 5 provincial-level educational reform projects. In our school, 2 courses have been designated as provincial and municipal-level high-quality courses, 2 courses as school-level MOOCs, 8 courses featured by flipped-classroom teaching idea, 8 courses as part of the “Patriotic Courses 1212 Project”, and 9 courses as first-class courses. And our school has received eight awards for teaching achievements at the university level. Our teachers have won over ten awards in teaching competitions at various levels, including one silver and two bronze awards in national teaching competitions. Leveraging the professional strengths of disciplines set by the urban comprehensive university, our school has enhanced high-level scientific research and promoted the innovative transformation of research outcomes. We has established several provincial and municipal research and science popularization platforms, including the “Sichuan-Tibet special Medicinal Plant Resource Development and Utilization” Sichuan Provincial University Engineering Center, the Sichuan Provincial Elderly Health Science Popularization Base, the municipal-level key discipline of Nursing, and the Chengdu “Human Sciences and Medicine” Science Popularization Base. Besides, we has also formed research and innovation teams such as “Sichuan Province Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics” and “Sichuan Province Traditional Chinese Medicine and Health Product Innovation Development”. In recent years, the faculty has undertaken over 100 scientific research projects at various levels, including more than 20 projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation, and more than 20 projects funded by the Ministry of Education and the Provincial Department of Science and Technology. Besides, our faculty members have published over 600 scientific papers, with more than 200 indexed in the Science Citation Index (SCI), and have published over 60 academic works (including textbooks), and have been granted 191 national patents (including 16 invention patents). In addition, our school has received 2 first prizes and 3 third prizes for Sichuan provincial scientific and technological progress, 1 second prize for Shanghai scientific and technological progress; 1 second prize and 1 third prize for the China Agricultural Science and Technology Award; and one award for the 18th Outstanding Achievement in Sichuan Provincial Social Sciences. Our school adheres to the motto that “Life is of first priority in humanness; science is of paramount significance in human care”. Under the development trend of “Medicine Plus”, our school expands the interdisciplinary integration with related fields to cultivate high-quality applied medical and health talents who boast a solid foundation in basic medical theory, refined professional skills, and humanistic literacy. In recent years, over 90% of our students have been successful employed, with over 50% of students achieving high-quality employment. The average pass rate for the national nursing qualification examination reaches 98.67%, and more than 10 students have successfully passed the international nursing certification examination. Besides, our graduates have received recognition by well-known top-level hospitals such as West China Hospital of Sichuan University for their solid professional foundation, strong practical abilities, and outstanding comprehensive quality. Additionally, we have cultivated over 100 graduate students who have been admittedby universities including Peking University, Sun Yat-sen University, Central South University, Nankai University, Chiang Mai University in Thailand, Monash University in Australia, the University of Edinburgh in the UK, and the University of Sydney in Australia. Furthermore, alumni of the school have been honored with the “Nightingale Medal”, nominated for “Chinese College Student of the Year”, received the title of “Excellent Individual in the Nationwide Poverty Alleviation”, the Sichuan Provincial May 1st Labor Medal, and the Sichuan Provincial “Youth May 4th Medal”. In recent years, our school has strengthened the cultivation of innovative talents, and students have achieved significant results in scientific innovation and volunteer services. Students have led nearly 20 national-level innovation and entrepreneurship projects, published over 30 high-level academic papers, and obtained nearly 50 patent authorizations. They have won over a hundred awards at the national and provincial levels in competitions such as the China International “Internet Plus” College Students’ Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, the “Challenge Cup” National College Students’ Science and Technology Academic Competition, and the First Prize in “the China Undergraduate Life Sciences Contest”. To be specific, the “Health Education and Promotion Volunteer Service Team” has been awarded as the national-level “Outstanding Team for Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Knowledge Promotion”. The “Warmth for the Sunset Years & Medical Service to the Door—Chengdu University Medical Train Volunteer Service Project” has won the silver award in the Sichuan Provincial Competition of the 5th China Youth Volunteer Service Project Competition. And student volunteer services and social practice projects have been recognized and commended several times at the provincial and municipal levels. Upholding the idea of opening itself up and in order to upgrade its qualty of internationalization, our school has held and participates several cutting-edge international academic research projects, built high-level scientific research platforms, and engaged in cultivating international student. To be specific, we have hosted the “11th Annual Academic Conference of Nursing Anatomy by the Chinese Anatomy Society” and carried out collaborative research with Yale University, gained an international cooperation project from the Sichuan Provincial Department of Science and Technology. Our school has established a “1+2+1 Dual Degree Joint Training Program in Nursing” cooperated with with Chiang Mai University in Thailand and has invited well-known domestic and international experts to conduct academic exchanges, such as academicians from the Chinese Academy of Engineering and European Academy of Sciences, professors from Yale University, and nationally distinguished young scholars. Looking forward, our school will adhere to the fundamental task of moral education and talent cultivation, conform to the reform and development trends of the “new medical science”, and cultivate high-quality medical practitioners with a strong sense of social responsibility, excellent professional qualities, and humanistic literacy. |
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